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1. 概述
进行用户认证的用户文件。- 可以添加或删除一个用户/密码对象,可以用Nginx或Apache等Web服务器的用户认证。
- 官方文档 :https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/modules/htpasswd_module.html
2. 官方示例
# Add a user to a password file and ensure permissions are set
- htpasswd:
path: /etc/nginx/passwdfile
name: janedoe
password: '9s36?;fyNp'
owner: root
group: www-data
mode: 0640
# Remove a user from a password file
- htpasswd:
path: /etc/apache2/passwdfile
name: foobar
state: absent
# Add a user to a password file suitable for use by libpam-pwdfile
- htpasswd:
path: /etc/mail/passwords
name: alex
password: oedu2eGh
crypt_scheme: md5_crypt